The Shadow Work Journal

The journal to shine light on your shadow self and strengthen your relationship with yourself.

Shadow work is a practice that allows you to dive deep into your psyche and subconscious to uncover what has been hiding under the surface. It's known as shadow work because the "shadow" is the parts of us that we've pushed away. We don't want people to see the darker, more shameful, undesirable aspects of us.

Darkness is often times rejected because of its reputation. It’s seen as “bad” and shameful, and yes, it can feel that way. But when you push it away, it comes back stronger.

The Shadow Work journal is intended to take you through 4 main areas of your life that can cause serious subconscious blocks and limiting beliefs. They are also the aspects of your life where you have experienced the most pain and trauma.

The 4 sections are:

Childhood, Identity, Relationships, and Money

So, why should you do shadow work? Simple, to heal unseen wounds and empower yourself. Your subconscious rules 95% of your thoughts and behaviors. Once you get into the deepest parts of your mind, the parts that limit you from your true potential, you’ll see major shifts happen in your life. You’ll begin to feel more liberated and excited about life because you begin creating a stronger relationship with the one constant in your life - you.