The Ultimate 21-Day Mindset Makeover Workbook

The Ultimate 21-Day Mindset Makeover Workbook is a stepping stone to your most aligned self.

Everything in life is a perception, and how you experience your life depends on how you perceive it. You either change because life forces you to through external circumstances, or you decide to make the change. Regardless of which one it is, knowing where to start can be confusing. So I made this workbook to help you on this journey.

Whether you’re a seasoned mindset-shifting master or just starting out, this workbook is the perfect, information-packed tool you can use to begin shifting your inner world.

The Ultimate 21-Day Mindset Makeover Workbook is an EFT tapping and exercise-based workbook.

Each day includes:

A different shifting theme, an exercise, an EFT tapping script, a magic moment of the day, and an easiness measurer.


Emotional Freedom Technique, or EFT tapping, is a practice that gently taps on various meridian points on the body to move energy around and reprogram your mind by creating new neural pathways. You tap at the front of the eyebrows, the side of the eye, under the eye, under the nose, the chin, the collarbone, under the arm, the top of the head, and the side of the hand (karate chop.) EFT is used to rewire your subconscious mind to help you clear any beliefs that no longer serve you. It’s a very potent healing modality that’s effective and easy to do on your own.

Shifting your mindset doesn’t have to mean throwing away everything you know all at once. It can be small, actionable steps that you can take every day and compound to create lasting changes in your life!